Students from pre-k to graduate school can have plenty of troubles with maintaining focus, self-advocation, organization, time management and accountability, and understand their own learning style. I can help them, and you, find the best way to make sure these are addressed.

While many students of all ages have had difficulty with assignment accountability, organization, time management, etc., the COVID-19 pandemic pushing schooling online exacerbated the problems many fold. It’s easier for students to be distracted, forget assignments, and generally have a more difficult time. During this period, I worked specifically with numerous student to address these aspects head-on: efficient organization, assignment tracking, self-advocation for assistance when needed, and stern, but fair, accountability for work. Acting more as a partner than a second teacher or direct tutor, I helped students look into themselves and their progress without any judgement, as well as advocate for them with parents, schools, etc. when needed. It remains necessary to keep this style of assistance for students who need it – “smart but lazy”, “doesn’t care”, “never gets the work done”, etc.

  • I focus on connecting with the student(s) at a more base level, establishing common ground so we can work with more trust and less embarrassment; video games, sports, TV shows/movies, books, art, or any number of topics that we can share to establish the relationship
  • Meet with students over Zoom for sessions, can record and provide to the parents/teachers/etc. if desired (with the student’s knowledge)
  • Advocate directly for the student’s struggles to parents and/or the school system, including advocating for 504 and/or IEP documentation if needed, with experience in helping neurodiverse students with ADHD, dyslexia, color blindness, injury recovery, and more
  • Keep parents apprised of progress with regular emails


Great Danny, thanks so much for the update! We are so happy to have your influence!


Thanks for the update, Danny! And for all the work you’ve put in with [student] this year…it has made a big difference.


It is great to hear that things are going so well. I appreciate your attention to keeping [student] on track.


Thanks for sharing this.  We have seen the improvement, as well.  [Student] has been going in person more often, although [they] claim that doesn’t result in fewer distractions.  But I think it may be helping a bit.  Let’s hope it continues!


Danny:  yes, I will continue to work with [student] on [their] writing.   We recognize that this is an area that [they] need to continue to grow on. Thank you for all that you have done for [them] this year!!!!!


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